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Certificads clse h
Class H open dry transformers
Product manuals
Product certificates
Serie 1,1 / 1,1 kV
Circuit separation transformers (medical use)
24E5 - 1082 - 11 /≤1kV/ ≤250V / 0,5-10 kVA
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual for class H series 1.1 kV dry type transformers
24E5 - 1082 - 03 /RETIE/15/ 1,1kV HASTA 2000kVA
Serie 15 / 1,1 kV
Serie 36 / 1,1 kV
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual for class H series 36 kV dry type transformers
24E5 - 1082 - 06/ 36-15 kV / HASTA 5000 kVA
24E5 - 1082 - 03 / RETIE /15/1,1kV HASTA 2000 kVA
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual for class H series 15 kV dry type transformers
certificado clase F
Resin encapsulated dry transformers
Product manuals
Product certificates
Serie 15 / 1,1 kV
Serie 36 / 1,1 kV
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual for 36 kV class F series dry type transformers
24E5 - 1082 - 07/ 36 / 15 kV / HASTA 5000 kVA
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual for class F series 15 kV dry type transformers
24E5 - 1082 - 08 / 17,5 kV / HASTA 2000 kVA
Certificado aceite convenciona
Conventional oil transformers
Manuales de producto
Certificados de producto
Serie 15 / 1,1 kV
Serie 36 / 1,1 kV
Manual for transportation, operation and maintenance of conventional distribution oil type transformers
Manual for transportation, operation and maintenance of conventional oil type transformers with special accessories
24E5 - 1082 - 05 / RETIE / 34.5 - 15kV / HASTA 5000 kVA
24E5 - 1082 - 04 /ANSI / RETIE/ 15kV / HASTA 2000 kVA
Certificado pedestales
Pedestal type oil transformers
Product manuals
Product certificates
Serie 15 / 1,1 kV
Manual for transportation, operation and maintenance of radial pedestal type transformers
24E5 - 1082 - 02 / RETIE / 15 / 1,2 kV / HASTA 2000 kVA
Certificados cajasde manobra
Serie 36 / 1,1 kV
Manual for transportation, operation and maintenance of radial pedestal type transformers
23E5-1082-01/ RETIE / 34.5 / 1,2 kV
Control boxes
Product manuals
Product certificates
Transportation, operation and maintenance manual
of control boxes
00910 / RETIE / 200-600 A / 15 kV / HASTA 6 VIAS
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